Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The Importance of Child Speech Pathology for Children with Down Syndrome

Child speech pathology plays a crucial role in the development of kids with Down syndrome. Because speech and language development are central to the cognitive development of all children, some experts agree that the faster children with Down syndrome get to talk, the quicker they will improve in all areas of social and cognitive development.

According to speech language pathology experts, research and clinical experiences have shown that children with Down syndrome have areas of language that are difficult and easy for them. For instance, they have strengths in the area of vocabulary and pragmatics, or social interactive language. They also have good social interactive skills and they usually use gestures and facial expressions to communicate and interact with people.

However, most of them have difficulties dealing with syntax and morphology. Child speech pathology experts said children with Down syndrome often face challenges when it comes to grammar, verb tenses, and word endings, probably because of their complex and abstract nature. Some of them even use shorter sentences to communicate.  There are also instances where children have what the experts call as the "receptive-expressive gap," in which a child can understand much more than what he can express.

These areas are what child speech pathology practitioners are addressing. Since the children have an uneven profile of social, cognitive, and language development, SLPs are seeking ways to fill these gaps so kids with Down syndrome can develop a very important skill—the ability to effectively communicate and express themselves—and lead productive and meaningful lives without being hampered down by their condition.

As mentioned earlier, speech and language and development are crucial to the development of children, regardless of whether they have neural disorders or not. Words equal knowledge and the faster a child learns about language and vocabulary, the faster he or she can acquire knowledge about the world. Speech language pathology experts also stressed out the importance of language in children's social development as it enables them to better express themselves, control their behaviour, and interact with others.

With their knowledge, skills, and years of training, child speech pathology experts will be able to effectively guide children with Down syndrome so they can learn language and vocabulary faster. They can also educate parents so they can raise their children properly and contribute to their progress, instead of interfering with them. This way, the children will be able to show remarkable improvement both in their social and cognitive skills. So if you want what's best for your child, you should consult a speech pathology Brisbane practice that will provide him with the kind of treatment and guidance he requires.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Child Speech Pathology: How Pathologists Can Help Children with Speech Delay and Their Parents

It is important to identify speech or language problems early so your kid can get child speech pathology and begin treatment immediately. However, you can't really tell whether your child is only a late bloomer or indeed has speech or language difficulties. After all, most children develop at a different pace. That's why it is worth seeking help so you can be sure about his or her condition. The earlier your child gets help, the greater his progress will be. 

 Having worked with children with similar conditions, an experienced speech language pathology practitioner knows exactly what to do to help your child. In addition, the speech pathologist or therapist possesses the skills and training to diagnose your kid's condition and administer the appropriate treatment or therapy. The therapist may also recommend learning tools or toys that will aid in your child's speech and language development.

If it turns out that your kid is just a late bloomer and he doesn't have any problem at all, the extra attention given to his speech or language development won't hurt him in any way. In fact, it can even help in his growth. Therefore, if you think your child is showing signs of language or speech difficulties, it is highly recommended that you obtain the assistance of a child speech pathology expert.

Your child is not the only one who can benefit from the assistance of a speech language pathology expert. As a parent, you can also obtain valuable knowledge on how to raise a kid with particular needs. As you may know, parenting plays an important factor in a child's development. Children with speech or language delay, in particular, need special attention from their parents so they can effectively learn the necessary communication skills that will help them lead a fruitful life.

A child speech pathology expert can teach parents like you what to do to encourage your child to speak or communicate. The speech pathology Brisbane practitioner may suggest simple activities, such as reading books, singing, or blowing bubbles, you can do with your kid that he will enjoy and at the same time, supplement the therapy he is receiving.

And most importantly, a child speech pathology expert can help you better understand your child's condition, its causes, and how it can affect your family as a whole. By having a better understanding of your child's speech/language difficulties, you and your family can reduce your stress levels and learn how to cope well and care for a loved one with speech/language problems.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Child Speech Pathology: How to Make Play Time a Learning Experience for Your Kid

Did you know that play is a very important aspect of child speech pathology? Because it encourages the child with speech or language difficulties to communicate and interact with their environment naturally, many pathologists incorporate play in therapy sessions. For parents, play is a simple activity that they can do with their kids to help the latter overcome their condition.

If your child has been diagnosed with speech or language delay, you can make play time a learning experience and some sort of mini-therapy session for your kid. Believe it or not, there are toys recommend by speech language pathology experts that can help encourage your child to speak and communicate with you. Allowing your child to play with these toys can contribute to his or her development and help him cultivate his language skills, which is very important.

First stop, open ended toys. According to child speech pathology experts, these toys are those that don't have a beginning, middle, and an ending. They are a huge help to kids with speech delay because it gives them the freedom to manipulate and use such toys. In addition, it helps boost their creativity and imagination. Some good examples of open ended toys are Lego, wooden blocks, doll houses, play farm sets, and other traditional toys that don't require batteries.

Speaking of batteries, it isn't really a good idea to let a child with speech or language delay play with toys that have batteries, particularly those that create noises. According to speech language pathology experts, instead of encouraging them to speak, such toys might have the opposite effect on the children. You certainly don't want that to happen. As such, it's best to avoid such toys for the time being.

Meanwhile, many child speech pathology experts stress out the importance of physical activities for children with speech or language delay. As such, it is also a great idea to provide your child with toys that can get him moving, like balls and ride-on toys. Remember that you don't have to stay indoors all the time to let your kids enjoy play activities. You can also let your child experience the great outdoors. Take him or her to a park or other similar places.

While toys can indeed help your child overcome his condition, you don't have to shower your kids with lots of them. In fact, according to child speech pathology experts in a speech pathology Brisbane practice, sometimes, the best toys are not toys at all. Forts made of blankets and pillows, wooden spoons, and other ordinary household objects—these can make your kid's play time more fun, enjoyable, and educational. Just be creative and think of many ways your child can interact with his surroundings!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Child Speech Pathology 101: Selecting the Best Pathologist

Kids with communication disorders need proper care and assistance, which is why it makes logical sense for parents to rely on a child speech pathology expert if their children have been diagnosed with similar problems. A speech-language pathologist, or SLP, is trained to diagnose and treat individuals with speech and language difficulties. With their help, you can get the assurance that your precious little angel will be able to learn an important life skill that can help him or her in the future.

Take note, however, that SLPs are not created equal. While some have a great reputation for offering good and quality services, there are also others who are not as good as their peers. For this reason, it is very important to first determine the reputation of a speech language pathology practice servicing your area before settling for the first pathologist or therapist you'll find. Because you want what's best for your child, it is only logical that you select the SLP that is guaranteed to provide your kid with quality services.

Cost is also something you should consider, aside from the reputation of the child speech pathology expert. With the rising cost of services and commodities these days, taking financial matters into account can certainly help. As such, when you contact an SLP, make it a point to enquire about the cost of their services and ask if they offer rebates for those who have Medicare.

It is also a must to ensure that the pathologist you'll choose is indeed qualified to conduct therapy and treat your child's condition. Aside from asking about the skills, qualifications, and educational background of the speech language pathology practitioner, enquiring about his actual experiences is also something you should do.

As the saying goes, experience is the best teacher. A highly experienced pathologist might have certain knowledge about things that other SLPs won't be able to learn easily by studying medical theories alone. In addition, a child speech pathology expert with various experiences is generally more efficient and effective at doing his or her job. As such, if you want your child to receive the best treatment possible, opt for a pathologist that has years of experience under his belt.

Enlisting the services of a speech pathology Brisbane practice can help ensure your child's progress and teach your family how to cope with your kid's condition. However, make sure that you perform due diligence before choosing a specific child speech pathology expert. Follow the tips discussed above to ensure that your child will receive the care and assistance of a reliable and trustworthy pathologist.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Why Child Speech Pathology is Important for Kids with Autism

Providing your kid with access to child speech pathology is a great step towards helping him cope with autism. As you may know, people with autism, including children, may have difficulties with verbal and non-verbal communication. They may also find it very hard to interact with other people. For this reason, the assistance of a certified speech-language pathologist, or SLP, is crucial. Pathologists can address a wide range of communication problems for children and adults with autism.

Autism is a developmental disability that is characterised by a wide range of traits. According to speech language pathology experts, a child suffering from this disorder may display extreme resistance to changes in daily routines, unusual responses to things such as touch, and inability to interact with his or her environment among other things. In most cases, autism manifests itself before the age of three.

Because of the nature of this disorder, autism can affect a person's speech, language development, and social communication in many ways. For this reason, SLPs are considered a vital part of the autism treatment team. One way child speech pathology experts help with treating autism is through early screening and detection of people at risk. In doing so, they are providing early intervention, which could help ensure that affected children will be able to lead a normal life when they grow up.

With the help of speech language pathology experts, parents like you would know how to raise or better manage children with autism. The SLPs assess the best ways to improve communication and enhance your child's quality of life. In addition, during the course of the therapy, they also make it a point to work closely with your family, your child's school, and other professionals to provide your kid with the environment that will contribute to his progress.

In case your child has major problems speaking or expressing himself, the pathologist may be able to introduce alternatives to speech so you can still communicate with your child without using verbal language. To achieve this, the child speech pathology expert may teach your child signing or typing, or introduce the usage of electronic "talkers."

Having a child with autism can be painful and scary for parents like you. However, with your support, the right guidance, and the help of reliable child speech pathology experts and professionals, your child will be able to overcome his condition. As such, to ensure that your child will grow up to experience a normal and productive life, you should consider taking him to a speech pathology Brisbane practice and more importantly, provide him the love and care he needs.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Speech Pathology Service: A Quick Look at the Evaluation Process

Before your child is to receive speech pathology service, it is standard practice for the therapist or pathologist to evaluate or assess your child's condition. This will help you determine the challenges your son or daughter is facing. In addition, it enables the therapist to identify the most suitable and appropriate treatment or therapy that will contribute to your child's progress.

The evaluation process, which is the first step towards getting therapy, is usually composed of two stages: parent interview and your child's actual evaluation. During parent interview, the speech therapy Brisbane practitioner will ask you questions about your child's history and your concerns. Being the parent, you are the best person to provide the necessary information about your kid so this step is absolutely necessary and important. It is also during this period that your child will be given the opportunity to be familiar with the therapist.

Take note that the information you will provide during parent interview will prove to be vital to shaping the therapist's understanding of your child and his (or her) condition. And as mentioned earlier, it can help the therapist identify the best speech pathology service or approach that is suited for your child. As such, before you visit the pathologist, you should take the time to write down some of your child's important medical information, his development milestones, as well as his communication strengths and weaknesses.

Sometimes, speech therapy Brisbane experts also diagnose and treat problems with swallowing or feeding on children. If this is also an area of concern, make sure you list down pertinent information such as when your child transitioned to baby foods, foods he eats and avoids, and any information on when he starts showing difficulties with chewing and swallowing.

After the parent interview conducted by the speech pathology Brisbane practitioner comes the actual evaluation of your child. It will usually involve two types of testing: indirect and direct. In indirect testing, the speech pathology service provider may look like as if he or she is just playing or having an informal conversation with your kid. But in truth, the pathologist is using this time to determine how your child communicates. Direct testing, on the other hand, involves tests that are more structured. It also usually involves your child doing things or answering the therapist's questions.

During your child's evaluation, it is important for parents like you to just observe quietly and not to interfere with the proceedings unless the speech pathology service provider asks you to. At times, you may be asked to help out, especially if the therapist is not getting any response from your child. It is only during this time that you may participate in the evaluation process. You should also be careful on how you re-structure the therapist's questions when asking your child to ensure that the therapist will be able to evaluate your child properly.